Plateway Pty Ltd is the Oceanian, South East Asian, Indian and Southern African distributor of OpenTrack and support organisation for the OpenTrack suite of products. Plateway provides training, advanced training and a user forum for OpenTrack – one of the world’s leading railway simulation software packages. Training is held twice annually, usually in February and July in Sydney or Brisbane. A user forum and advanced training day is held annually. On-site/in-house and customised training solutions can also be arranged. At the end of an OpenTrack training
course, participants should be able to:
- Recognise how operations are replicated in an OpenTrack micro-simulation
- Have an understanding of the physical and engineering aspects of the railway and how this influences the OpenTrack program architecture
- Design and build an operating model of a simple railway and run a short simulation.
The next scheduled OpenTrack training session is the 20 – 24 July 2020 in either Brisbane or Sydney.
Plateway also offers online training.
For further information or to look at Plateway’s OpenTrack training program, please download the
OpenTrack training outline (PDF format):